6 days ago
Thursday, December 31, 2009
December 31, 2009
Updated post: May contain spoilers.
This was posted in one of my old blogs back in June.
I grew up reading, and loving, the "Archie" comic books. Even now, I have several reprint collections which I still read from time to time. I will probably more in the future.
As a teenager, I often pondered the great question, "Would I rather be Betty, or Veronica?" After some serious consideration, I
came to the conclusion that I would like to be as WEALTHY as Veronica, and as NICE as Betty. In other words, I wanted to be a teenage female version of Richie Rich!
Well, as you may have heard by now, Archie is getting married.
To Betty? To Veronica? Who CARES???? Archie getting married would be the end of an era, and, IMO, there are some eras that should not end.
Update: As it turns out, the era is not ending. Click here for details.
December 31, 2009
Okay, so here are my New Year's Resolutions.
Some of them represent lifestyle changes.
1: Rise at 5:30 every morning. This makes it necessary to:
2: Have a set time for going to bed most nights. (10:30)
This won't be easy, because I'm a night owl; I've been known to stay
up past 3:00, and even later.
3: Pray the Liturgy of the Hours every day. If throat is sore, whisper
or read silently. This is why I'm
getting up at 5:30!
4: Pray two decades of the Rosary after each activity.
5: Spend 30 minutes a day in spiritual reading. (Ten minutes, three times a day)
6: Three meals a day, no snacks except on Feast days. So-called junk food may be
included in meals.
7: Meat only once a day, and just one kind of meat, except Sundays and Solemnities. (This is at least partly for
the sake of economy)
8: Have chocolate in some form at at least once a day, except for days of
abstinence. (THAT'S the EASY one! :) )
9: Each week, read at least one book I haven't read before. This can be online or offline.
10: Work on my ongoing fan fiction every day; at least one full scene.
11: Wear something pink every day (This is the one that doesn't matter. :) )
12: Breathe! (That's the unbreakable one! :) )
Would anyone like to share their own New Year's resolutions?
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
December 30, 2009
Penultimate day of the year! Time to decide on my New Year's Resolutions! At least one will be unimportant, so it won't matter if I break it, and one will be unbreakable! LOL
December 29, 2009
There's a new Chalet School fill-in book just out: "The Guides of the Chalet School", by Jane Berry. It takes place in the Austrian Tyrol during the very early years of the school. Oh, how I love those early years!
Well, now I know what my first book order of 2010 will be! :)
December 29, 2009
I Googled "Chalet School" and "blogspot.com. The result: I am now following "The B Files", and have already posted a comment there!
Click here
November 10, 2009
I'm still working on that fan fiction. I need to decide whether to juggle chronology a bit, so that both children are the same age. Since it's an AU story, I have the freedom to do that.
Update: I'm still struggling with this one, but it's an enjoyable struggle in some ways. Meanwhile, I have another AU story in mind, but this one will simply, or perhaps I should say drastically, change an actual story that aired on Another World.
November 10, 2009
I love "Best of Mother Angelica Live" and "Mother Angelica Live Classics" on EWTN, but I like "Classics" a little more because of
Deacon Bill's intros.
November 9, 2009
Currently reading:
"Gillian of the Chalet School", by Carol Allan
(juvenile fiction)
{This is one of the fill-ins.}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
"Pirkei Avos" (online)
(Judaica, nonfiction)
Remember, this is an old list! :)
December 30, 2009
I really meant to blog about this yesterday.
I had one piece of rye bread in the fridge, but it had become hard. Since it still looked good, I didn't like throw it out, so I tried an experiment. I crumbled it into pieces, took two eggs, and scrambled everything together. The result was not bad at all; in fact it was almost delicious.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
November 9, 2009
I've just ordered two used books online: "New French Self-Taught" (as a refresher)
and "New Spanish Self-Taught".
Once I start learning Spanish, I will go to the Spanish Mass now and then.
Update: Right now I'm concentrating more on the French.
December 29, 2009
I made a new playlist.
Something I found out today: The term "Boogie Woogie" was first used in 1928 by Pine Top. The song is included in this playlist.
Favorite Version of "A Christmas Carol"? From Karen Edmisten's Blog
I replied to this post from Karen Edmisten's blog.
Favorite Version of "A Christmas Carol"?
I've also added a new label: From Other Bloggers. :)
December 29, 2009
Winky usually sleeps downstairs with me, but last night he stayed upstairs with Mom. He came down at 1:00 AM or thereabouts, meowed, kissed me {I petted him} and went back upstairs.
He came down to say goodnight! LOL!
Monday, December 28, 2009
December 28, 2009
I made a fascinating {at least to me} discovery while reading "A Chain of Hands", by Carol Ryrie Brink. Her maternal grandfather's mother was a cousin of Jacob Abbott. I love finding connections like this.
I have Jacob Abbott's "Franconia" books in my online library, and plan to add more of his works.
December 28, 2009
I've been building my online library. Most of the books still need to be labelled.
November 9, 2009
I must remember to tape next week's "Sunday Night Live". Fr.Benedict will be discussing Catholic art.
Updated to add: I taped the show, but I haven't gotten around to watching the tape.
Story of my life! LOL!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
December 27, 2009
I love coming across the little moments I've captured in this blog. That's another great thing about blogging.
November 9, 2009
I like reading old-fashioned moral stories and books. I enjoy the stories, even though I often disagree with the doctrines presented.
Many of these stories are in the public domain, and available online.
November 9, 2009
I've decided to read a chapter of the Bible before each meal.
Updated to add: The chapter is always one I love; sometimes I select one of the Psalms.
November 8, 2009
I love looking at the stars at night. I also love seeing the streetlights come on, when I remember to watch.
December 27, 2009
Years ago, my parents, Baba, stepniece and I spent a few days in Toronto. On the first night, we saw a cat lying in a yard relaxing, not unlike the American kitties.
Being a catlover, I greeted the cat, "Kitty kitty". The cat ignored me. I used all the usual terms of endearment people address to cats; no response.
Finally it occurred to me that we were in Canada, and I said, "Meowez-vous français?"
And the cat looked up and meowed!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
December 26, 2009
I've decided to cut down on the number of books I read simultaneously. Well, not exactly simultaneously; imagine reading one book with your right eye and another with your left at the same time! What a hodge-podge you would end up with; not to mention a headache!
From now on, apart from my spiritual reading and Jewish non-fiction, I'll be reading just ONE book at a time.
December 26, 2009
December 20-26, 2009
"Papa's Wife", by Thyra Ferre Bjorn
{homespun, cozy, heartwarming, a great favorite of mine}
"Candles In My Window", by Beth Firestone
{juvenile, Judaica}
"A Sundae With Judy", by Frieda Friedman
{juvenile} Paperback edition.
(Someday I'm going to get the original hardcover edition, illustrated by Carolyn Haywood)
"A Christmas Carol", by Charles Dickens
(Reading this on December 24th is something I do every year.)
"Chris Muldoon", by Rita Shields
"Hannah Elizabeth", by Elaine Sommers Rich
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
(reading a few pages a day, savoring)
"Louisa May Alcott: A Modern Biography", by Martha Saxton
Spiritual Reading: Catholic
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa Of Avila
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
{I have the three-volume pocket set}
November 8, 2009
There's a book I read in summer camp back in the late 60s that I would love to read again, even though my memories of that book are rather sketchy. I have NO idea what the title is. What I DO remember is that the book is about a boy named Steven, or Stephen. He lives on an island, and has to take a ferry to the mainland to school every day. He likes to draw, or paint, and sometimes gets in trouble for drawing when he is supposed to be doing something else. The phrase "Even Steven"
is used sarcastically in one scene after he is late for the bus (if I remember correctly) again.
"Everyone's here, even Steven."
I'm not sure I've quoted that correctly; it's been about forty years since I read the book!
I may submit a description of the book to Loganberry.
Updated to add: I just sent them the description
November 7, 2009
Currently reading:
"The New Chalet School", by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer
(juvenile fiction)
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
"Pirkei Avos" (online)
(Judaica, nonfiction)
Updated to add: Don't forget, this list is from November.
November 7, 2009
My coffee was a bit on the weak side this morning. Only SOMETIMES is it, as Goldilocks would say, "Just right".
Oh, speaking of Goldilocks, that girl had no manners!
November 7, 2009
They now have stray kittens on FarmVille, and I was able to adopt one. She is purrfectly sweet.
November 6, 2009
I'm working on a painting on the computer, but there's one color that isn't quite right. I'll have to keep trying.
Updated to add: I realize now that the color isn't the only challenge; I also have to work on the pattern. To be honest, I came up with the title of the painting first.
Let's just say it's NOT "Landscape", "Seascape", or any sort of scape. :)
Friday, December 25, 2009
December 25, 2009
I've just read O Henry's "The Gift of the Magi". I read that story every Christmas; that's my other Christmas reading custom.
I don't know whether or not O Henry's stories are popular nowadays. What I do know is that I love them.
December 25, 2009
On yesterday's episode of "As The World Turns, which I watched today, there was some good background music. I smiled in, I must admit, surprised recognition when "Ave Maria" began playing.
December 25, 2009
Christmas Day!!! Midnight Mass on EWTN was beautiful, but I think my cat was a bit confused. What was I doing watching Mass when I'm usually in bed? Winky looked at the tv, then he looked at me, as if to say, "What's going on?"
After Mass, I watched the rebroadcast of "Life On The Rock", and then "Backstage: Christmas {first aired in 2003}. The performer was Mary Anne LaHood. She has a very clear, true, lovely voice.
By the time I went to bed, it was almost 4:30.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
December 24, 2009
Yesterday morning, my radio came on sonic-boom loud. Winky must have been walking across it. Today, he managed to LOWER the sound, and I didn't wake up until 7:30. Meanwhile, the radio was on for an hour and a half; I set it to come on at 6:00. Thank God I woke up before 8:00, which is when the live Mass on EWTN airs.
Solution: I put the radio in a box, and turned the open part of the box to the wall.
November 6, 2009
I renovated my farm on FarmVille. Deleted some plowed land and gave my animals
a larger fenced-in area. I think they appreciated it, (grin) especially since I now use the "allow walk" option.
November 6, 2009
Currently reading:
"The New Chalet School", by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer
(juvenile fiction)
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
"Pirkei Avos" (online)
(Judaica, nonfiction)
Updated to add: I'm still reading the last three, but I'm reading "The Interior Castle" in book form, rather than online.
November 6, 2009
When people say "Act your age!", they usually mean, "Act the way I think someone your age should act."
December 24, 2009
I made myself something new to eat tonight: a chocolate omelet! I can't give the recipe because I'm from the "a little this, a little that" school of cooks. I have to be, because with my perceptual problems, I can't measure accurately to begin with.
December 24, 2009
I read "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens today. The last few years, I finished it too soon, but this year I read it slowly, really savored it.
HOW I love Fezziwig's Ball!
November 6, 2009
I love writing fan fiction stories that start the same, but then take different directions. One advantage is that I can copy and paste the beginning.
I'm working on one of those stories now, and it is dark, much darker than any
of my earlier fan fics. Somber, really. A change of pace, and a change of tone, for me.
Updated to add: I've decided to make it a separate story, and not part of a set. Truthfully, I'm having some trouble with it. As I said, this is not the type, or one of the types, of story I usually write.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
November 6, 2009
I wrote this on November 6th, 2009:
I'm definitely getting a kaleidoscope, but not the same kind I had as a child.
Later that same day, I added the following update:
I've ordered the kaleidoscope I mentioned at the beginning of this post.
Now I'm going to add that I would have done better to get rid of the earlier message and simply say, "I've ordered a kaleidoscope, but not the same kind I had as a child."
Editing is part of the fun of blogging!
November 5, 2009
This is taken, slightly modified, from one of my old blogs.
When Pope John Paul the Great added the Luminous Mysteries to the Rosary in 2002, I was delighted, absolutely delighted. I had felt for a long time that there
was too great a gap between the Fifth Joyful Mystery and the First Sorrowful Mystery. A BIG chunk of Our Lord's life on Earth was missing.
Another change was that, while formerly certain Mysteries were prescribed for certain days, we now were given more flexibility. Of course, many Catholics stick to the traditional days, and some choose not to pray the Luminous Mysteries, and that is their right.
Personally, I like to pray the Mysteries in their proper order, Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious, regardless
of the day of the week.
How do I pray the Rosary? How do I meditate? There are several ways.
Sometimes I pray the Rosary while looking at pictures depicting the Mysteries, and sometimes while watching "The Holy Land Rosary with Fr. Mitch Pacwa". I
love actually seeing the places where these events took place.
Sometimes I use a book of Rosary meditations, and sometimes I go to one of the many websites available. Other times I might simply meditate before each decade, or perhaps add a few words to the Hail Mary. For instance, if I'm praying
the Mystery of the Nativity: "And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, born in poverty."
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
December 22, 2009
I don't want to get involved in any long-term fiction reading right now. December 24th is reserved for "A Christmas Carol". I've read that every year since I was eight or nine. My first time was after "Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol" aired for the first time.
November 5, 2009
There is a difference between sharing personal things in a blog, and sharing private things. Each blogger must decide where he or she draws the line.
November 5, 2009
People talk about teaching children to know the difference between right and wrong. IMO, it isn't enough that they KNOW the difference. What matters is that
they CARE about the difference.
November 5, 2009
When child molesters go to prison, they are protected from the other inmates. THEY are protected!!!!!
Let's protect the CHILDREN!
December 22, 2009
I've joined playlist.com. My username there is
EklectiqueTayste. This is my first playlist.
Monday, December 21, 2009
November 5, 2009
I can't believe it's the 40th anniversary of SESAME STREET! Years ago, I was walking down the block with my very young niece, and she stopped in front of a trash can, knocked on the lid, and asked, "Occar in there?"
November 5, 2009
I found an old Bible cover I'd forgotten
about among my things. It's rose-colored, with a butterfly motif. I was able to zip my favorite Bible, closed, into it.
Updated to add: I want to get some more covers for my favorite Bible.
December 21, 2009
We had the same Gospel two days in a row, because the Gospel for the Fourth Sunday in Advent supersedes that of December 20th, and happens to be the same as that for the 21st of December. I don't mind, because I love that particular Gospel, which is about the Visitation. I'm just a bit sorry it doesn't continue to the Magnificat.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
November 4, 2009
The first book I took out of the library on my very own card (thrill thrill thrill)
was "Betsy and Billy" by Carolyn Haywood. I chose it because I had already read and loved "B is For Betsy", AND I wanted a thick, grown-up looking book.
November 4, 2009
Something I read somewhere: "Every time someone orders pastrami on white with mayonnaise, a Jewish soul dies."
Well, that's just wrong. Pastrami on white with mayonnaise? That's just wrong. I had pastrami on rye with mustard today (at home). Not a perfect sandwich; I used a bit too much mustard.
December 20, 2009
From one of my old blogs. The original title of this post was "Litterbox".
Thank God I can smell the poop, because
that means I can also smell the roses.
And thank God for roses!
Thank God I can smell the poop, because
that means I can also smell the roses.
And thank God for roses!

December 20, 2009
I couldn't get to Mass today because of the snow. Thank God for EWTN!
I've said before that I never miss the Mass on EWTN, even on those days when I am able to actually GO to Mass.
Now, I could be sad that I didn't get to receive Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament today, or I could be happy that so many people have received Him, are receiving Him as I type this, or will receive Him later today.
I choose to be happy.
December 20, 2009
I have had spareribs every Sunday for more than a year now. Today I realized, very much to my surprise, that I am actually getting tired of spareribs. No, not tired of them; bored with them.
On the up side; if I take a break from spareribs, I'll have more money for other things.
November 4, 2009
This is from "My Name Is Asher Lev" by Chaim Potok:
I traveled to Manhattan galleries and saw the beginning of a mocking art which I disliked. Jacob Kahn called it nihilism. He despised it. He regarded it as an undisciplined destruction of aesthetic values. Duchamp was to blame for this, he said bitterly.
Evidently Chaim Potok was NOT a fan of Duchamp.
To be honest, neither am I.
November 3, 2009
I tried a new flavor of cat food for Winky: sliced chicken hearts and livers. He absolutely LOVED it.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
December 19, 2009
I just did what is known as a vanity search, and found a blog by another Rochelle Brown. LOL!
December 19, 2009
December 13-19, 2009
"Lavender Laughs in the Chalet School", by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer.
{school series, juvenile}
"Papa's Wife", by Thyra Ferre Bjorn
{homespun, cozy, heartwarming, a great favorite of mine}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
{reading a few pages a day, savoring}
"Louisa May Alcott: A Modern Biography, by Martha Saxton
"Once Upon a Christmas Time", by Thyra Ferre Bjorn
Spiritual Reading: Catholic
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa Of Avila
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
{I have the three-volume pocket set}
November 3, 2009
I wish I could remember that minute, that second, just before I fall asleep at night.
November 3, 2009
Just played FarmVille. Got a new red barn. Looks great!
Update: I have since sold my barn because it took up too much space on my farm.
November 3, 2009
I have so many Bibles, in so many translations, it's not funny. Fine Art Bibles, pocket-sized Bibles, medium-sized Bibles, One-Year Bibles, devotional Bibles, study Bibles, leather Bibles, imitation leather Bibles, hardcover Bibles, paperback Bibles.
But I always end up going back to my Ignatius Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition paperback Bible, which I got by mail order on May 1st, 1998. (I put the date in the front cover)
This Bible is well-worn and well-marked. I think I've used, at one time or another, almost every Bible-marking system there is. Circling, stars, dots, color-coding, highlighting, even VERY simple symbols. {that system didn't last very long!}In fact, the only system I haven't used is underlining. I don't like underlining as a marking system, but that's just my personal taste.
November 3, 2009
In "Here We Go Again", Leah Klein shows a girl named Ilana playing a computer game called "Perspective".
"You've got to capture the little moving dots, but your
'eyes' keep changing. Like, sometimes you see the dots through the eyes of the knight, and sometimes through the eyes of the dragon, and sometimes through the eyes of the king. The capture mechanism is different for each person, so you have to keep track of who you are in the game."
I've been trying to find this game online. I've searched using keywords, I've looked under different names such as "Viewpoint", but so far I've found nothing. Perhaps the game exists only in the book. If so, I rather wish someone would actually develop it.
December 19, 2009
Announcing another change! (How many does that make?) Readers of this blog can now post their compliments... er, comments.
November 2, 2009
I loved the tv show "The Waltons", but I didn't agree, and still don't agree, with the way Olivia sometimes punished her children by making them memorize Bible verses. IMO, the Bible should NOT be used for punishment.
November 2, 2009
I have subscriptions to TWO comic strip websites, but I'm waaaaaaaaaaaay behind on reading the strips.
Updated to add: I'm still behind, but I'm catching up!
Friday, December 18, 2009
December 18, 2009
I've been going through this blog, dividing the old pages into individual posts. IMO, it's a great improvement over my old format.It definitely makes tagging much easier!
And I love the little, trivial things I've written!
November 2, 2009
In addition to, or perhaps I should say in conjunction with, "My Name Is Asher Lev" by Chaim Potok, I am reading "The Art Spirit" by Robert Henri.
Updating this post to add:
I'm still reading "The Art Spirit". It's the kind of book I like to linger over.
November 2, 2009
Several writers have written fill-ins and continuations for the "Chalet School" Series;
most of which are faithful to the original series. There is, however, one follow-up I will definitely NOT be buying or reading: "The Chalet Girls Grow Up"
I am SO glad I read the reviews, or I probably would have bought the book.
"Chalet Girls Grow Up"??? More like "Chalet Fans Throw Up"
November 2, 2009
This post has been modified.
I really want to change the template for this blog.
Well, since this was first posted, I have changed the template more than once! :)
Choosing and changing templates is part of the fun of blogging, IMO.
November 1, 2009
This post has been slightly modified
I discovered some of my very favorite books when I was twelve years old:
"Anne of Green Gables" by L.M. Montgomery
(book fair at school)
The "Penrod" books by Booth Tarkington
{some disturbing racist elements, but is it fair
to judge a book published so many years ago by today's
sensibilities? If this book were written today, certain passages would have to be rewritten, or removed entirely, and one character's name would probably be changed to Vernon.
"The Saturdays", "The Four-Story Mistake" and "Then There Were Five"
by Elizabeth Enright
"A Tree Grows In Brooklyn" by Betty Smith
"Dandelion Wine" by Ray Bradbury
"The City Boy" by Herman Wouk. (at the aforementioned book fair)
November 1, 2009
Today I added "Shake Your Booty" to my Rhapsody playlist. Whenever I hear that song, I get this image in my mind of a bunch of babies....!!
November 1, 2009
Two years ago today, I started watching the live Mass on EWTN. Now EWTN forms a substantial part of my TV viewing.
November 1, 2009
We're back on Standard Time, but nobody told Winky! He let me sleep a LITTLE later, but then he was on my bed--- make that on ME-
licking my face and meowing.
October 31, 2009

October 31, 2009
October 31, 2009
I'm heading over to grab.com now, where I'm playing Jewel Miner Deluxe in Story mode.
October 31, 2009
This post has been slightly modified from the original.
I just ordered "The Chalet School in the Oberland" through amazon.co.uk. The book will fill the gap between two books I already own. I have quite a few Chalet School books to read before I get up to this one.
October 31, 2009
For the first time since I've been on FarmVille, I have no crops planted. That will no longer be the case by the time this post is published.
October 27th, 2009
I reserve the right to be silly here. I reserve the right to be serious here. I reserve the right to reserve the right.
December 18, 2009
I'm still re-working this blog; re-publishing segments as individual posts, and then deleting the old pages.
October 30, 2009
Quote from "My Name Is Asher Lev", by Chaim Potok: "His art is not enjoyable. He is not Matisse."
That was my introduction to
Henri Matisse.
"My Name Is Asher Lev" was Chaim Potok's favorite of his own books. I've read it many times, and plan to read it again SOON.
October 30, 2009
Working on my fan fiction. I've been rather neglecting it lately. It's not just kids writing fan fic!
October 30, 2009
A lost Pink Cow wandered onto my Farmville farm. I clicked "Help Cow".
How could anyone click "Ignore"?
October 29, 2009
I love children's books. I'm currently reading "Summer Daze", which is part of the B.Y. Times series by {I almost typed b.y.} Leah Klein. I ordered it used; the books are unfortunately out of print.
October 29, 2009
It's funny. I like my morning coffee strong and black, with no sugar, but I cannot
stand unsweetened tea.
October 29, 2009
Played "Saints and Sinners Bingo" online. I hadn't played that in awhile. It's fun to revisit old games now and then.
October 29, 2009
One thing I could REALLY do without is trucks going by while I'm watching the live Mass on EWTN.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
October 29, 2009
I named my farm on Farmville "Crazy Quilt Farm" because it isn't laid out in any particular pattern.
December 17, 2009
I've changed the name of this blog. What???
Well, the new name is VERY appropriate! LOL!
December 17, 2009
Announcing yet another change: Currently Reading will no longer appear. Instead, I will post, on Saturday, a list of the books I've read in the past week.
December 17, 2009
I'm moving my collection to this blog.
And here is the product that inspired this collection! :)
Australian commercial.
I've also found a commercial from 1963 featuring a rather well-known British rock group! {Did I say "rather well-known"???}
December 17, 2009
I'm reading "Once Upon A Christmas Time", a book by Thyra Ferre Bjorn about her childhood Christmases in Sweden. This is the book I ordered several days ago, and received in yesterday's mail.
It's a short book; I might finish it in one day. The author wrote:
"In today's busy world we don't take time to fill our souls with beauty. I pray that each one who reads these pages will pause long enough to recapture Yules long gone and perhaps to find back there in time the key to happiness and contentment in this restless age."
That was in 1964; I wonder what she would say about our now even faster-paced world.
October 28th, 2009
I just discovered a memoir called "A Chain Of Hands", written by Carol Ryrie Brink.
I've already ordered it, used. Now at last I'll find out about the REAL people
behind the characters in "Caddie Woodlawn", "Magical Melons", "Two Are Better Than One", and "Louly".
Of course I already know that Caddie was Carol Ryrie Brink's grandmother. The
world of children's literature owes her a debt of thanks for telling stories of her girlhood to her granddaughter.
October 28th, 2009
I had a kaleidoscope when I was a kid. I remember being absolutely fascinated by the falling colors, the always-changing patterns whose beauty reminded me, in some ways, of a fireworks display. I just might get myself another one some of these days.
The word kaleidoscope was coined by the inventor, David Brewster
The patterns of our lives are always changing in some way. It's up to us to see the beauty in them.
October 27th, 2009
Something from my childhood that I miss: Melody Cookies. These were chocolate cookies with sugar sprinkles and what, to my very-young eyes, looked like little buttons all around the edges; but were probably scallops.
They came, if I remember correctly, in a long, red box with musical notes printed on it.
I used to love to spread cream cheese on them from time to time. I had some strange tastes as a kid. :)
Looking back, I must say that this is still, after so many years, my all-time favorite cookie. I may even start an online petition {do they really do any good?} to bring them back.
October 27th, 2009
One of my current goals is to own all of the books in the "Chalet School" series, in the unabridged editions. This will probably be a long-term project, since many of these books are hard to find and/or expensive. I'm buying them as they become available and affordable.
October 27th, 2009
This is taken, slightly edited, from one of my old blogs.
For anyone unfamiliar with the Pollyanna books or movies,
{there have been several film adaptations}the idea of the Glad Game is to find something to be glad about when things go wrong, or if you don't like the situation you're in.
Hate Mondays? Well, according to Pollyanna, you can be glad because it'll be a whole week before you have another one. {In the Disney movie, "Monday" was changed to "Sunday.}
The basic premise of the Glad Game is good, as far as it goes. The problem, however, is that before you can play it, there has to be something wrong. Pollyanna herself points this out in "Pollyanna Grows Up".
"Always, before, there have been bad things for folks to play the game on, and the badder they are the more fun 'tis to get them out-find the things to be glad for, I mean. But where there aren't any bad things, I shouldn't know how to play the game myself."
So I decided to make my own adaptation of the Game. Instead of looking for things to be glad about,I look for things to be thankful for, and to thank God for WHATEVER happens, good or bad. This helps make the bad things seem not quite so bad. Even better, it helps me to notice the good things, the little, everyday blessings.
Computer Games,
Personal Games,
October 27th, 2009
There are children's authors who are pro-abortion. HELLO!!! How many of their books do these authors expect an aborted child to read?
October 27th, 2009
Since this planet is called The Earth, and the soil here is also called earth, would it be appropriate to call Martian soil mars?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
December 16, 2009
You may have noticed that I've changed the name of this blog. Actually, I changed it TWICE in one day!
My little niece had the chance to play Mary in a Christmas pageant, but she chose to play an angel instead. Her reason: Angels wear glitter.
"Once Upon A Christmas Time", by Thyra Ferre Bjorn, came in today's mail. That was fast!
I cut my thumb on the lid of a can. OUCH! At least I remembered to offer it up! And thank God it's not too deep a cut!
I saw a few things I wanted to add to my collection, but they were either too small, or they were under copyright.
"Lavender Laughs in the Chalet School", by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer.
{juvenile fiction, school series}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa Of Avila
{Catholic, Spiritual Reading, Classic}
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction}
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
December 15, 2009
I didn't notice, but yesterday's post was my 50th!
I'm going to look for some online games in French. I've found that I remember more French than I realized, but I can still use the practice.
It just hit me: No more Hubbard squash! {ATWT fans will know what I mean}
I ordered a book about P.L.Travers, the author of the "Mary Poppins" books. The first time I read "Mary Poppins" was at my cousin Beatty's house. (She was Mom's cousomg as well). I was so thrilled when Beatty gave me the book to keep. I wish I still had that copy.
It was also at Beatty's house that I tasted cream soda for the first time. I remember being enchanted by the soft texture, and I understood why it was called cream soda.
Cousin Beatty passed away Sunday morning, after a long illness. Thank God she isn't suffering any more. She was one of my favorite relatives.
"Lavender Laughs in the Chalet School", by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer.
{juvenile fiction, school series}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa Of Avila
{Catholic, Spiritual Reading, Classic}
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction}
Monday, December 14, 2009
December 14, 2009
I've learned how to put pictures directly into my blog posts, instead of adding links.
Here's one of my few, very few, own online paintings.
"Brown on Brown by Brown"
Laundry today. I love the smell of fresh-laundered sheets and pillowcases. I've thinking of getting something to put in the washing machine for the last rinse, to give my laundry a lavender scent.
Incidentally, I used to love English Lavender by Yardley of London. Maybe I can finc an ad for my collection.
I ordered a Chalet School book today, "Adrienne and the Chalet School". It's out of sequence, but I order the books as they become available and affordable. And at least this isn't an abridged version; it's one of the reprints from Girls Gone By.
Priests For Life
I found something for my online collection.
"Lavender Laughs in the Chalet School", by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer.
{juvenile fiction, school series}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa Of Avila
{Catholic, Spiritual Reading, Classic}
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction}
I love it that so many parts of the Mass on EWTN are sung.
*************************************************************************************One of my all-time favorite books is one that Gandhi loved and Hitler ordered destroyed: "The Story of Ferdinand", by Munro Leaf. It may be a picture book, but it is one I would mark "All ages".
Sunday, December 13, 2009
December 13, 2009
It's raining, so I won't be able to go out.
There was a bird singing a minute or so ago.
"I Heard a Bird Sing"
by Oliver Herford
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December
A magical thing
And sweet to remember.
"We are nearer to Spring
Than we were in September,"
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.
I have always loved this poem.
"Lavender Laughs in the Chalet School", by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer.
{juvenile fiction, school series}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa Of Avila
{Catholic, Spiritual Reading, Classic}
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction}
I love to let the little bubbles in a glass of soda hit my face.
I ordered "Once Upon A Christmas Time", by Thyra Ferre Bjorn, through abebooks.com.
I have all her other books: "Papa's Wife", "Papa's Daughter", "Dear Papa",
(the first three books are based on her own family) "Then There Grew Up a Generation", "The Golden Acre", "Mama's Way", "This Is My Life", and "The Home Has A Heart".
Chanuka memories: I was the only child, so I placed the candles in the Menorah. It was always such fun deciding which colors to use.
I've seen more than one meditation on the 2nd Luminous Mystery (The Wedding at Cana)
where we are told to think of a Jewish wedding, the music, the dancing. Well, that makes my meditation on that Mystery a bit
anachronistic. When I think of a Jewish wedding, the music, the dancing, I think
"Hava Nagila"!
*************************************************************************************Nothing added to my collection today. (See yesterday's post)
Saturday, December 12, 2009
December 12, 2009
I've reached Level 25th on FarmVille. Now I can buy sunflowers! YES!!!
And speaking of SunflowersClick here
Check out my online collection!
Fr. Joseph sang the longer "Ite Missa Est" at the end of today's live Mass. I LOVE the longer "Ite".
"The Highland Twins at the Chalet School", by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer.
{juvenile fiction, school series}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa Of Avila
{Catholic, Spiritual Reading, Classic}
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction}
I'm going to look for some old, black and white tv shows online.
The Product That Inspired this Collection
Australian commercial.
I've also found a commercial from 1963 featuring a rather well-known British rock group! {Did I say "rather well-known"???}
I've also found a commercial from 1963 featuring a rather well-known British rock group! {Did I say "rather well-known"???}
The Product That Inspired this Collection
Australian commercial.
I've also found a commercial from 1963 featuring a rather well-known British rock group! {Did I say "rather well-known"???}
I've also found a commercial from 1963 featuring a rather well-known British rock group! {Did I say "rather well-known"???}
The Product That Inspired this Collection
Australian commercial.
I've also found a commercial from 1963 featuring a rather well-known British rock group! {Did I say "rather well-known"???}
I've also found a commercial from 1963 featuring a rather well-known British rock group! {Did I say "rather well-known"???}
Friday, December 11, 2009
December 11, 2009
My cat, Winky, was on top of the computer monitor this morning. I went to FishVille, and he was fascinated! He swatted at the fish with his paw.
I just got "The Interior Castle" in today's mail. This translation was made by the Benedictines of Stanbrook Abbey, on which Rumer Godden based the monastery in "In This House of Brede".
"The Highland Twins at the Chalet School", by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer.
{juvenile fiction, school series}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa Of Avila
{Catholic, Spiritual Reading, Classic}
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction}
I'm working on a new website, an online collection. You'll know more when I debut it.
{Ain't I a stinker?}
Priests For Life
First night of Chanukah. Frozen latkes. Good, but nothing like the ones my
Baba used to make. Is ANYTHING ever like what ANYONE'S Baba used to make?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
December 10, 2009
I really like the "Two Decade At A Time" method of praying the Rosary. I find that I'm able to pray MORE Rosaries this way.
I discovered today that one of my posts somehow didn't get published. I have rectified that. I suppose I should say "my bad," but I detest that expression. Oh, wait, I just said it. My bad!
Priests For Life
This is from one of my old blogs.
"Not A Day Without A Line."
This quotation actually refers to painting, but
it's appropriate for writing as well; perhaps even more so.
I try to do SOMETHING with my fan fiction every day, whether it's
writing a new paragraph, editing something I've already written,
or jotting down some new ideas.
And now I must add, if I'm going to be honest, that I haven't always stuck to this.
Guess I should get back to work NOW!!!!!
"The Chalet School and Robin", by Caroline German.
{juvenile fiction, school series}
(This is one of the fill-in titles.)
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction}
In addition to watching the Mass on EWTN live, I think I'll start watching the rebroadcast, but with the SAP set to the Spanish translation. That's ONE way to enhance my study of the language!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
December 9, 2009
Here is something I just posted on a message board.
I attribute the demise of the soap opera as a genre, at least in part, to the plethora of spoilers we have these days. We are given too much advance information, IMO.
I can remember a time when we didn't know what was going to happen until the episode aired; a time when we were given hints, but no more than hints, of what was coming.
"A beloved character returns," or, "(So and so) makes a shocking discovery," or "The killer is revealed."
Perhaps it is time to eliminate the spoilers and bring back the suspense.
I remember my first prayer as a Catholic. {I am a Jewish convert to Catholicism}
I converted in my very early 20s; my Godmother was a young woman, just a couple of years older. She was so nervous that she was actually chewing bubble gum. I had really planned to pray, inwardly, something deep and meaningful. Instead, my first
prayer as a Catholic was, "Lord, please don't let her pop a bubble!"
Helen Wagner, as Nancy Hughes, spoke the very first line on ATWT. IMO, she should be the one to speak the last line.
As I type this, I have my FarmVille farm minimized, and my animals are calling!
Priests For Life
"The Chalet School and Robin", by Caroline German.
{juvenile fiction, school series}
(This is one of the fill-in titles.)
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction}
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
December 8, 2009
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
The singing at today's morning Mass on EWTN was stunningly beautiful.
Priests For Life
As The World Turnshas been cancelled. I'm not all that surprised; part of me has been expecting this since Guiding Light went off the air.
I just hope that, when ATWT ends its run, Jack and Carly are together.
"The Chalet School and Robin", by Caroline German.
{juvenile fiction, school series}
(This is one of the fill-in titles.)
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
I didn't mention this, but this morning I felt MEGA-lousy, even during the Mass...
until that moment during the Eucharistic Prayer when Fr. Mark held up the Consecrated Host. After that, I felt fine.
Monday, December 7, 2009
December 7, 2009
I finished "The Chalet School in Exile", and am now reading "The Chalet School at War" {Hardcover title: "The Chalet School Goes to It".
I'm mentioning this book in a separate segment of today's post because I'm almost finished with it.
One of my favorite scenes takes place in a "Pippi Longstocking" book. Pippi and her friends, Tommy and Annika, pass a drugstore with a sign in the window that reads.
DO YOU SUFFER FROM FRECKLES? After Pippi finds out what the sign says, she goes in and tells a clerk, "No, I do not suffer from freckles."
The clerk responds, "But, my dear child, your face is covered with freckles!"
"I know it," Pippi answers, "but I don't suffer from them. I love them."
I LOVE that attitude.
Priests For Life
This is taken, slightly modified, from one of my old blogs.
Time to reveal something about myself. I am a middle-aged {I've never liked that expression, because to me middle-aged is half as
old as one is GOING to be}single woman, still living with my mother due to a
physical disability. We have separate apartments; mine is downstairs, and Mom's is upstairs. The computer is upstairs.
I have poor eye-hand co-ordination, and a perceptual-motor problem. To put it as simply as possible, this means that my hands cannot copy what my eyes see. This is why I took exception, in a review on amazon.com, to something Beverly Cleary wrote in one of her books.
In one of her notes to the principal, Maggie's teacher, Mrs. Leeper, writes:
"Maggie is now reading cursive. I saw her reading what I had written on the chalkboard. If she can read it, she can write it."
Not necessarily. There are children (and adults) with perceptual motor handicaps, poor eye-hand co-ordination, and other, often unrecognized, disabilities, who CANNOT write well, even though their reading skills may be at grade level or higher. I feel that Beverly Cleary (who has been one of my favorite authors since I was in the third grade) does a disservice to these people with this passage.
I was reading at an early age, but I still can't write legibly. How many times was I scolded by my teachers who felt that since I read so well, my sloppy penmanship was due to carelessness and laziness? "She's just not trying!"
My poor co-ordination also gives me a problem with my balance. I can walk all right in my own home and my own yard, where I don't have to worry about people in a hurry pushing into me. So I only go out and about if I have someone to hold on to.
Another aspect of my perceptual problem is that I cannot properly judge where things are in relationship to where I am. I can see WHAT it is, but I won't be able to point to it accurately, nor can I tell what other people are pointing to. This meant that I "saw" the teacher pointing to me when, in reality, she was calling on someone else, and vice-versa. Once I was aware of this, I asked my teachers to call on me by name.
I was also one of the kids other kids picked on and called "REE-tard!" I'm sure that some, at least, wish they could apologize. I have no grudge against my former schoolmates; they, like me, were just kids. I may very well have been the one MAKING fun of someone had the situation been reversed. In fact, I probably did, at one time or another, make fun of someone. Perhaps we all did it at least once.
After I had become a Catholic, someone told me that Purgatory would be much worse than anything that happened to me in school.
I responded, "No, I think it will be better, because it will be FAIR. I won't suffer anything I don't DESERVE in Purgartory."
And as I type this, it occurs to me that Purgatory won't only be FAIR; it will be MERCIFUL, because God is merciful. I'll suffer in Purgatory much LESS than I deserve.
"The Chalet School and Robin", by Caroline German.
{juvenile fiction, school series}
(This is one of the fill-in titles.)
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
The Rosary: Keeping Company With Jesus and Mary by Karen Edmisten
{New book, published this year)
I REALLY need more books of Rosary meditations.
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