5 days ago
Thursday, December 17, 2009
October 27th, 2009
This is taken, slightly edited, from one of my old blogs.
For anyone unfamiliar with the Pollyanna books or movies,
{there have been several film adaptations}the idea of the Glad Game is to find something to be glad about when things go wrong, or if you don't like the situation you're in.
Hate Mondays? Well, according to Pollyanna, you can be glad because it'll be a whole week before you have another one. {In the Disney movie, "Monday" was changed to "Sunday.}
The basic premise of the Glad Game is good, as far as it goes. The problem, however, is that before you can play it, there has to be something wrong. Pollyanna herself points this out in "Pollyanna Grows Up".
"Always, before, there have been bad things for folks to play the game on, and the badder they are the more fun 'tis to get them out-find the things to be glad for, I mean. But where there aren't any bad things, I shouldn't know how to play the game myself."
So I decided to make my own adaptation of the Game. Instead of looking for things to be glad about,I look for things to be thankful for, and to thank God for WHATEVER happens, good or bad. This helps make the bad things seem not quite so bad. Even better, it helps me to notice the good things, the little, everyday blessings.
Computer Games,
Personal Games,