Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31, 2009

Okay, so here are my New Year's Resolutions. Some of them represent lifestyle changes. 1: Rise at 5:30 every morning. This makes it necessary to: 2: Have a set time for going to bed most nights. (10:30) This won't be easy, because I'm a night owl; I've been known to stay up past 3:00, and even later. 3: Pray the Liturgy of the Hours every day. If throat is sore, whisper or read silently. This is why I'm getting up at 5:30! 4: Pray two decades of the Rosary after each activity. 5: Spend 30 minutes a day in spiritual reading. (Ten minutes, three times a day) 6: Three meals a day, no snacks except on Feast days. So-called junk food may be included in meals. 7: Meat only once a day, and just one kind of meat, except Sundays and Solemnities. (This is at least partly for the sake of economy) 8: Have chocolate in some form at at least once a day, except for days of abstinence. (THAT'S the EASY one! :) ) 9: Each week, read at least one book I haven't read before. This can be online or offline. 10: Work on my ongoing fan fiction every day; at least one full scene. 11: Wear something pink every day (This is the one that doesn't matter. :) ) 12: Breathe! (That's the unbreakable one! :) ) Would anyone like to share their own New Year's resolutions?

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