Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 10, 2009

I really like the "Two Decade At A Time" method of praying the Rosary. I find that I'm able to pray MORE Rosaries this way. ***************************************************************************** I discovered today that one of my posts somehow didn't get published. I have rectified that. I suppose I should say "my bad," but I detest that expression. Oh, wait, I just said it. My bad! ******************************************************************************* Priests For Life ***************************************************************************** This is from one of my old blogs. "Not A Day Without A Line." This quotation actually refers to painting, but it's appropriate for writing as well; perhaps even more so. I try to do SOMETHING with my fan fiction every day, whether it's writing a new paragraph, editing something I've already written, or jotting down some new ideas. And now I must add, if I'm going to be honest, that I haven't always stuck to this. Guess I should get back to work NOW!!!!! ******************************************************************************* CURRENTLY READING "The Chalet School and Robin", by Caroline German. {juvenile fiction, school series} (This is one of the fill-in titles.) "The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri (nonfiction) "Pirkei Avos Treasury" (I prefer this to the version I started reading online, because it has commentaries, which the online version lacks.) (Judaica, nonfiction} *********************************************************************************** In addition to watching the Mass on EWTN live, I think I'll start watching the rebroadcast, but with the SAP set to the Spanish translation. That's ONE way to enhance my study of the language!


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