5 days ago
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
December 8, 2009
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
The singing at today's morning Mass on EWTN was stunningly beautiful.
Priests For Life
As The World Turnshas been cancelled. I'm not all that surprised; part of me has been expecting this since Guiding Light went off the air.
I just hope that, when ATWT ends its run, Jack and Carly are together.
"The Chalet School and Robin", by Caroline German.
{juvenile fiction, school series}
(This is one of the fill-in titles.)
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
I didn't mention this, but this morning I felt MEGA-lousy, even during the Mass...
until that moment during the Eucharistic Prayer when Fr. Mark held up the Consecrated Host. After that, I felt fine.