Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8, 2009

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. The singing at today's morning Mass on EWTN was stunningly beautiful. **************************************************************************** Priests For Life ************************************************************************** As The World Turnshas been cancelled. I'm not all that surprised; part of me has been expecting this since Guiding Light went off the air. I just hope that, when ATWT ends its run, Jack and Carly are together. ************************************************************************* CURRENTLY READING "The Chalet School and Robin", by Caroline German. {juvenile fiction, school series} (This is one of the fill-in titles.) "The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri (nonfiction) "Pirkei Avos Treasury" (I prefer this to the version I started reading online, because it has commentaries, which the online version lacks.) (Judaica, nonfiction) ************************************************************************************* I didn't mention this, but this morning I felt MEGA-lousy, even during the Mass... until that moment during the Eucharistic Prayer when Fr. Mark held up the Consecrated Host. After that, I felt fine.


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