1 week ago
Sunday, January 31, 2010
January 31, 2010
Lately, Winky has been spending part of the night upstairs with Mom, and part of it downstairs with me, but he's almost always
on my couch when I wake up in the morning. I have a blue quilt folded at the
foot of the couch, and Winky sleeps on that quilt.
January 31, 2010
Fr. Miguel said in his homily the other day that a good mortification is to eat something we dislike. He's right; I find that harder than doing without something I do like. He then mentioned that he doesn't like olives, so once in a great while he'll eat a few as a mortification.
I, too, dislike olives, but I hate string beans even more, so I'm going to eat string beans every Friday in Lent, unsalted and unmargarined.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
January 30, 2010
Fr. Joseph shared a funny anecdote in his homily this morning. However, he inadvertently gave the punch line at the beginning! LOL!
That SO reminded me of my late stepfather, God rest his soul.
Nobody, but nobody, could butcher a joke like Dad!
January 30, 2010
I played Gold Miner Vegas on grab.com today, Gold Rush mode instead of Story mode. I hadn't played it in Gold Rush mode for quite some time.
Friday, January 29, 2010
January 29, 2010
I see that Google now allows us to have bookshelves in our online libraries, but I'll have to rearrange mine, move my books to different shelves.
January 29, 2010
I'm going to buy fewer books than usual next month, and none in March. And if you think that has anything whatsoever to do with Lent, you're right!
January 29, 2010
Author J.D. Salinger passed away on Wednesday. I've never cared that much for "Catcher in the Rye", but I love most of his other writings, although I didn't agree with everything he wrote.
I read "The Way of a Pilgrim" for the first time after reading "Franny and Zooey".
Thursday, January 28, 2010
January 28, 2010
The text under today's Astronomy Picture of the Day included this LINK.
I'm going to start looking for asterisms.
January 28, 2010
I went to FarmVille just now, and saw this message:
"Facebook performance has declined. During this time, some farmers may temporarily experience missing neighbors, lag or lost gifts/bonuses."
I'm going to wait until later to work (play) on my farm.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
January 27, 2010
Just a little pondering:
If I break one of my own rules, am I disobeying myself? And
if I disobey yourself, should I give myself a time-out?
Come to think of it, that may not be such a bad idea; a few moments
of quiet reflection, meditation, and prayer should go a long way
in helping me to conquer certain bad habits.
January 27, 2010
I'm still looking at Bible covers; haven't quite decided which one to buy. I don't plan to get another Bible, but I love using different covers.
January 27, 2010
I've got to get some more Rosary meditation books. Also, I could use a tangle-proof Rosary!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
January 26, 2010
I've been a bit careless with my spending money. I'm going to try dividing it into specific categories, and also spending less.
December 3, 2009
My pre-algebra course seems to be segueing into real algebra. I'm up to "nesting". Challenging and interesting. I'm actually enjoying this! Who'da thunk it?
Updated to add: I'd like to review "nesting"; refreshing is always a good idea.
December 2, 2009
Having and owning are not always the same thing. If you take a book out of the library, you HAVE it, but you don't OWN it.
Edited to add: People who admit to wrongdoing OWN up, but they don't HAVE up.
I love playing around with word usage!
December 2, 2009
"In This House of Brede", by Rumer Godden
{fiction, Catholic themes}. This is one of my very favorite books.
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
The Rosary: Keeping Company With Jesus and Mary by Karen Edmisten
{New book, published this year)
December 2, 2009
I'm now playing FishVille on Facebook. It's from the same company as FarmVille. Of course, I'm not neglecting my farm; I go back and forth.
Update: I'm still playing, and enjoying, both games.
December 1, 2009
The original, Italian version of "Volare" {proper title "Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu"}
recorded by Domenico Modugno, was one of my favorite songs when I was around five.
I used to sing "Dipinto di Blu" as "The pink and the blue."
That's what they call a mondegreen!
Article on Mondegreens
December 1, 2009
"In This House of Brede", by Rumer Godden
{fiction, Catholic themes}. This is one of my very favorite books.
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
The Rosary: Keeping Company With Jesus and Mary by Karen Edmisten
{New book, published this year)
December 1, 2009
I never heard from the seller who sent me the wrong book, or rather, the wrong edition.
Update: And I never did hear from them. I didn't try to get in touch with them again, since it was partly my own fault
for not making absolutely sure it was the right edition, instead of relying on what may have been a stock photo.
December 1, 2009
I saw an episode of "Mother Angelica Live" from 1986! I smiled when I saw the name of one of the engineers: Wayne Wolf.
He is now much better known as Fr. Joseph Mary!
Monday, January 25, 2010
January 25, 2010
My Virtual Bubble Wrap Popping Speed
I pop bubble wrap at 1.46 bubbles per second! I popped 196 bubbles in 2 minutes and 14.1 seconds |
January 25, 2010
I love popping Bubble Wrap, and in honor of Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, I'm posting this Virtual Bubble Wrap
November 30, 2009
I'm going to see what I can find out about Advent and Christmas customs practiced by Catholics of different rites.
Update: I could rewrite that as: "I'd like to see what I can find out about the customs and traditions of Catholics of different rites."
November 30, 2009
"In This House of Brede", by Rumer Godden
{fiction, Catholic themes}. This is one of my very favorite books.
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
The Rosary: Keeping Company With Jesus and Mary by Karen Edmisten
{New book, published this year)
January 25, 2010
I have to share this video I found on YouTube. How is it that i never came across it until today?
Sunday, January 24, 2010
January 24, 2010
I hadn't bought spareribs for a few weeks, but I ordered some tonight. Had them with a glass of ginger ale. They were good. I think once a month, or maybe every three weeks, is as often as I'll have them from now on.
January 24, 2010
I've been looking at some Bible covers online. I like being able to change the cover on my Bible. After all, I have more than one outfit.
January 24, 2010
I pray the Liturgy of the Hours every day, but on Sundays I pray it a bit differently.
7:00 AM Morning Prayer
After Mass on EWTN: Office of Readings
Midday OR Midafternoon {depending on circumstances}: Daytime Prayer
6:30 PM or thereabouts: Evening Prayer
Bedtime: Night Prayer
7:00 AM Morning Prayer
After Mass on EWTN: Midmorning Prayer
10:30 AM: Office of Readings (I'd love to be able to sing the Te Deum in Latin.
After the Angelus: Midday Prayer
After the Chaplet of Mercy: Midafternoon Prayer
(One Hour, Current, the other two, Complementary; in rotation. Today, for example, I used the Current Psalmody for Midmorning Prayer, so next week I'll be using it for
Midday Prayer)
After Benediction and Devotions on EWTN: Evening Prayer
Bedtime: Night Prayer
I'd also like to mention that I use Night Prayer from Sunday every night. I take the Psalms from BOTH sets of Sunday Night prayers, but I take the readings and prayers from the weekday.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
January 23, 2010
The difference between childlike and childish:
Childlike: joyful and playful
Childish: sulky and refuses to play.
January 23, 2010
Working on my pre-algebra. I'm learning to add fractions which don't have a common denominator. I've almost gotten the hang of it,
but it's time to stop until Monday.
November 29, 2009
"In This House of Brede", by Rumer Godden
{fiction, Catholic themes}. This is one of my very favorite books.
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
The Rosary: Keeping Company With Jesus and Mary by Karen Edmisten
{New book, published this year}
Friday, January 22, 2010
January 22, 2010
37th Anniversary of the legalization of the murder of babies in their mothers' wombs.
I Tweeted about this earlier.
I got a delivery from Fresh Direct today. Just as the delivery guy was leaving, I said, "Have a good weekend. Choose life!"
He smiled, so I guess he's pro-life.
Pro-life is the REAL pro-choice. You have to be BORN before you can make ANY choices.
November 29, 2009
This is too funny! I went to my FarmVille farm, and my chickens started walking towards their "co-op"!
November 29, 2009
I haven't decided which Chalet School book or books to buy this month.
Eventually, I hope to own the entire series.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
November 29, 2009
I'm glad we don't plunge right into Christmastime. Advent is such a lovely season, such a beautiful time of preparation.
January 21, 2010
That sound I blogged about last evening began sounding less and less pleasant. After awhile, I realized that it couldn't be a bird.
It turned out to be, not anything alive, but rather, something dead. A dead battery in the smoke detector.
Aron came and took care of it. Thank God for good neighbors.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
January 20, 2010
Today was one of the garbage collection days; I meant to put ours out last night, but Winky kept running to the door. Thank God I was up and dressed early enough to put it out this morning.
It was still dark, and the stars were out. I love looking at the stars, and I wish I knew more about them. I think, when I get back to studying astronomy, I'll concentrate on the stars. Later, perhaps, I'll go on to other aspects of astronomy.
November 28, 2009
"In This House of Brede", by Rumer Godden
{fiction, Catholic themes}. This is one of my very favorite books.
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
The Rosary: Keeping Company With Jesus and Mary by Karen Edmisten
{New book, published this year}
November 28, 2009
I found an online Advent calendar.
Update: I used this calendar exactly TWICE, and then forgot all about it. I'm going to tag it, so next year MAYBE I'll actually USE it. LOL!
November 28, 2009
One thing I like about the French Self Taught and Spanish Self Taught books is that the lessons are similar. This enables me to compare French usage with Spanish usage.
Update: As I said in an earlier update, I'm concentrating more on the French at this time. I mentioned that I wanted a good French Catholic Bible, but so far I haven't found one. I already have one I bought a few years ago, but I don't care for it very much. In Luke 1:27, Mary is referred to as what translates into "young girl". Oh, puh-lease!! It's not the fact that she was a young girl that is important, but rather, that she was, and remained, a virgin!
January 20, 2010
For the past half-hour or so, I've been hearing a sharp little whistle, a little musical tweet which seems to be coming from the kitchen. Actually, it's rather a pretty sound, but it sounds a bit strange in the house.
Of course, it could be coming from a bird on the roof above the kitchen.
November 27, 2009
I'm trying to work out a schedule for myself. I've already set aside certain times for prayer.
Update: I'm still working out my schedule, but I've figured out that, for the most part, I have to be more flexible than I would be if I were in a convent or monastery.
Maybe I should set it within certain parameters, except for Mass, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and Benediction (Sunday at 6:00 PM
November 27, 2009
I planted red tulips on my FarmVille farm.
Update: Since posting that, I've planted red tulips many, many times.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
January 19, 2010
Mom put away some wrappings, boxes, and ribbons today. It was about time, I guess! There was one really nice rose-pink grosgrain ribbon, and Mom gave it to me. I was really pleased to get it, because I'd been thinking of buying a ribbon of that color.
I'm glad that I can get so much pleasure from a simple little thing like a hair ribbon.
January 19, 2010
Mom and I bought a cat shelf for Winky, so that we can look out her bedroom window in the wintertime. Our neighbor Aron (that's how he spells it) put the shelf up today. Winky was downstairs at the time.
He came up a little while ago, stood on Mom's bed, and smelled the shelf, but so far he hasn't jumped onto it.
January 19, 2010
As you can see, I've changed the template. I tried a few others, but the Twitter updates they showed were not mytweets. That's got to be a glitch!
{And I answer myself: "Ya think?"}
November 27, 2009
"In This House of Brede", by Rumer Godden
{fiction, Catholic themes}. This is one of my very favorite books.
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
The Rosary: Keeping Company With Jesus and Mary by Karen Edmisten
{New book, published this year}
Two Items From November 27, 2009
Item 1:
New idea: Pray an entire Rosary at one sitting. In addition, I pray the Luminous Mysteries every day for priests.
Item 2:
Doing some of my off-line studying while eating is a great time-saver.
Update: Neither idea worked very well!
November 27, 2009
I've started reading "Louisa May Alcott: A Modern Biography, by Martha Saxton. I consider it a part of my studies, so it won't be listed in "Currently Reading."
Update: Later on, I decided to list it after all.
November 27, 2009
Today I tasted pumpkin soup for the first time. Delicious!
Update: I haven't had any since then, but I'd certainly like to.
Monday, January 18, 2010
January 18, 2010
If Martin Luther King Jr. had been a Catholic, I wonder if he would have been canonized.
January 18, 2010
On this day in 1988, my Baba passed away from stomach cancer. My first thought was, "She's dancing with Grandpa again."
January 18, 2010
I think I've gotten the hang of dividing mixed numbers now. I honestly think that I'm finding it less frustrating because I'm an adult, doing it for myself, and not for the purpose of getting grades or acquiring skills for a job. It's definitely easier not being compared to anyone else.
November 27, 2009
The French and Spanish Self Taught books I ordered came in today's mail. I am now learning Spanish, and renewing my acquaintance with French.
Update: Right now I'm concentrating more on French; I'd really like to get a good French Catholic Bible, one which corresponds as much as possible to the RSV.
November 26, 2009
"In This House of Brede", by Rumer Godden
{fiction, Catholic themes}. This is one of my very favorite books.
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
The Rosary: Keeping Company With Jesus and Mary by Karen Edmisten
{New book, published this year}
[Updated to add: I love her blog!]
Sunday, January 17, 2010
January 17, 2010
This year, I'm trying to vary my reading more. Each week, besides the Catholic spiritual reading and the Judaica, I want to read at least
one familiar book, one I've never read before,one adult book, one children's book, one work of fiction, one of nonfiction. Of course, some books will fit more than one category!
November 26, 2009
I decided to start wearing my hair in a bun instead of a ponytail.
Update: Sometimes I wear it in a bun, sometimes in a ponytail, and sometimes looped, but always with a ribbon.
November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving Day!!
The Recessional for today's live Mass on EWTN {and, I'm sure, for countless other Masses and services around the country} was "Now Thank We All Our God".
No surprise there!
November 25, 2009
To my surprise, I'm starting to get GOOD at MATH. Ah, but what will happen when I get to algebra?
November 25
"In This House of Brede", by Rumer Godden
{fiction, Catholic themes}. This is one of my very favorite books.
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
The Rosary: Keeping Company With Jesus and Mary by Karen Edmisten
{New book, published this year}
November 25, 2009
There was a time when I was into astrology. Back then, just about EVERYONE was "into" something or other. I remember a PEANUTS strip wherein Snoopy named all the things his bird friend, Woodstock, was into. In the last panel, Snoopy reflected, "Actually, he's into into."
But I digress.
I used to know my birth chart inside out. Notice, I said, "Used to!"
However, the last time someone asked me what sign I was born under, I responded: "Maternity ward."
This post has been modified.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
January 16, 2010
Going to bed at 10:30, which was one of my New Year's Resolutions, isn't working out; I just lie awake. I think I should allow myself some winding-down time starting at 10:00.
January 16, 2010
Saturday night is movie night.
EWTN CINEMA (not a link)
Of course, I also tape, just in case! :)
November 25, 2009
This is my 30th post in this blog!!!
Modified to add: Well, it was, back when this blog had several items in each post!
November 24, 2009
"In This House of Brede", by Rumer Godden
{fiction, Catholic themes}. This is one of my very favorite books.
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
From Two Separate Posts
I just ordered a copy of "The Interior Castle" through abebooks.com. Less than five
dollars, and free shipping!
Update, originally posted on the day I received the book:
I mentioned awhile back that I had ordered a used copy of "The Interior Castle", by St. Teresa of Avila. Well, the book arrived today, and...
This is a modern translation, the first by a non-Catholic, and is "free of religious dogma". In other words, this is a de-Catholicised version! (I just coined that word)
N0T what I was looking for; I ordered the book BECAUSE "The Interior Castle" is a Catholic spiritual classic.
Friday, January 15, 2010
November 24, 2009
I finished "Andrea Carter and the Dangerous Decision", and then read "Andrea Carter and the Family Secret" and "Andrea Carter and the San Francisco Smugglers", all by Susan K. Marlow.
Modified to add: Those were fast reads! LOL!
November 24, 2009
I've found a new game, Drop Sum Colors, on MindJolt Games. Great fun, as long as I don't take the comments at the end seriously.
Update: I'd forgotten about this game, but I just played again. LOL!
November 23, 2009
My Third Grade Class
I'm the girl whose picture is next to the teacher's! {Mrs. Berk}
Modified to add: I started wearing glasses later that year, after a bout with the measles. I remember the frames: white with gold flecks.
November 23, 2009
"Andrea Carter and the Dangerous Decision", by Susan K. Marlow
(juvenile fiction, historical, series, Christian themes)
{I have the first four books; the fifth is due out in February.}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St.Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
{I'm thinking of buying this so I can read it
without being on the computer}
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
November 22, 2009
Currently reading:
"Andrea Carter and the Long Ride Home", by Susan K. Marlow
(juvenile fiction, historical, series, Christian themes)
{I have the first four books; the fifth is due out in February.}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St.Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
{I'm thinking of buying this so I can read it
without being on the computer}
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
January 15, 2010
I'd like to get a ViewMaster, like the one I had when I was a kid. I used to love looking at the 3-D pictures of different places.
Come to think of it, I probably will buy one.
January 14, 2010
I'm still working on my pre-algebra; I learned how to divide simple fractions without too much trouble. Learning to divide mixed numbers may be more of a challenge, and therefore more interesting.
January 14, 2010
FarmVille now has Seeders! Great, except the noise drives me nuts. Thank God I can mute it!
November 22, 2009
The Nascar Sprint Cup season ended today. Jimmie Johnson made history by being the only driver in Nascar's 61 years to win four championships in a row. I love historical moments like that.
MY favorite driver, John Andretti, didn't finish so high in the standings, but he drove in every race and FINISHED every race.
November 22, 2009
I went to the 12:30 Mass today and received Holy Communion. THAT was the high point
of my day. Any day on which I receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is a good day.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
January 13, 2010
This is a quiet day on the blog, and a very sad day in Haiti.The destruction is overwhelming, and that's an understatement.
I'm praying for the victims AND the survivors.
November 22, 2009
There are so many games I enjoy playing on the computer, both online and offline. Online, I use several different websites. Offline, I just have SolSuite, but it has LOT of solitaire games.
Of course, I can't play every game every day. LOL!
{This post has been modified}
November 22, 2009
Solemnity of Christ the King. Last week in Ordinary Time. Watched live Mass on EWTN as usual. Fr. Miguel was the celebrant. He chanted the Gospel. BEAUTIFUL! I don't think anyone was surprised when, at the end of the Mass, Fr. Miguel sang the LONG "Ite Missa Est."
November 21, 2009
It's hard to believe we are starting the last week in Ordinary Time.
Update: And as I repost this, in keeping with the revised format, we are now in Week One of Ordinary Time, 2010.
November 21, 2009
Currently reading:
"The Transcendental Murder", by Jane Langton
(adult fiction: mystery) {I've read many of her
juvenile works.}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St.Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
{I'm thinking of buying this so I can read it
without being on the computer}
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
November 21, 2009
After yesterday's JEOPARDY, I'm calling my FarmVille chicken coop a chicken CO-OP.
November 21, 2009
The Mass on EWTN this morning from the Shrine was so
beautiful. Were those nuns or angels singing?
I taped the Noon broadcast (usually a RE-broadcast)of the Mass from the Monastery. Going to watch BEFORE I pray Evening Prayer.
November 20, 2009
Currently reading:
"Andrea Carter and the Long Ride Home", by Susan K. Marlow
(juvenile fiction, historical, Western, Christian themes, series)
{I have the first four books; the fifth is due out in a few months.}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St.Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
{I'm thinking of buying this so I can read it
without being on the computer}
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
November 20, 2009
Tomorrow is the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Mass on EWTN will be in the Extraordinary Form, in Latin, at the Shrine!
November 20, 2009
I'm going to wait at least another week before I start reading "The Chalet School in Exile", by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer. This is one of the transitional books; the Chalet School leaves the Austrian Tyrol.
November 20, 2009
I've switched to a new astronomy website.
As for my pre-algebra course, I'm finding some parts a bit difficult, but this time, instead of being frustrated as I was in the classroom, I am actually enjoying the challenge.
Update: I've sort of neglected the astronomy lately. {Did I say "sort of"???} I'll
have to get back to it soon.
November 20, 2009
Winky was up, running around and meowing, at 4:00 AM! And then, when I was watching the live Mass on EWTN, some workers were digging up the street. LOUD drilling noise. Thank God for Closed Captions!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
January 12, 2010
I've been adding books to my "Good Reads" bookshelves, completely at random. I'm adding a shelf, "Books Read In 2010".
January 12, 2010
I don't like the term "Necessary evil". In my opinion, there is no such thing. If something is necessary, then it is not evil, and if it is evil, then it is not necessary.
Perhaps a better phrase would be "Unpleasant necessity".
January 12, 2010
November 19, 2009
Currently reading:
"The Transcendental Murder", by Jane Langton
(adult fiction: mystery)
{I've read many of her
juvenile works.}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St.Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
{I'm thinking of buying this so I can read it
without being on the computer}
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
November 19, 2009
The other day on "As The World Turns", Craig said, "Chocolate isn't a vice. It's medicine for the soul."
Oh, HOW I hate agreeing with Craig!
November 19, 2009
One day, soon after I started posting on some AOL message boards, I got an e-mail with this heading: "I reported you to AOL".
Now, I had no idea why someone would report me. I had never posted anything
offensive. Well, I opened the e-mail and found myself in the most revolting, disgusting, nauseating porn site!!! And I couldn't get out of it until I logged off the computer!
Not long after that, I got an e-mail with the heading: "I Seen You In A Chat Room".
I deleted it unread. For one thing, I had never been IN a chat room!
November 18, 2009
Currently reading:
"The Transcendental Murder", by Jane Langton
(adult fiction: mystery)
{I've read many of her
juvenile works.}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St.Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
{I'm thinking of buying this so I can read it
without being on the computer}
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
November 18, 2009
There are people who say that one should read a fairly large portion of the Bible every day, while others recommend reading just a little bit, just several verses.
This is from "Stepping Heavenward", by Mrs. E. Prentiss. The book is in the public domain.
"A few verses," she said, "carefully read and pondered, instead of a chapter or two read for mere form's sake."
As for me, I like to read a chapter or two, and pause now and then to ponder a verse or small passage.
November 18, 2009
I'm still waiting to hear from that bookseller who sent me the wrong copy of "The Chalet School in the Oberland".
November 17, 2009
Currently reading:
"The Transcendental Murder", by Jane Langton
(adult fiction: mystery) {I've read many of her
juvenile works.}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St.Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
{I'm thinking of buying this so I can read it
without being on the computer}
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
November 17, 2009
I've been writing for most of my life, but I'm fairly new to fan fiction, since I didn't even discover it until I got online. My first fanfic story appeared on a now-defunct message board, and served as the springboard for my ongoing AW fic.
Rochelle's ANOTHER WORLD Fan Fiction
I'm glad I didn't have it posted on GeoCities, which is now closed. Some very good AW
fan fiction sites were lost. I just hope that they'll be added to the Internet Archives.
Monday, January 11, 2010
January 11, 2010
I've discovered yet ANOTHER "Chalet School" fill-in: "Cornelia of the Chalet School". I'm going to order it next month.
What with the original series, and the fill-ins, I may NEVER have all the "Chalet School" books.
January 11, 2010
I'm finally getting the hang of multiplying mixed numbers. I know most people learn that much younger, but math has always been a challenge for me.
Combined Posts
Posted on November 17, 2009:
I hope I get at least a GLIMPSE of the Leonides before they are over.
Posted on November 18, 2009: (modified)
I haven't been able to see the Leonides, probably because it's not dark enough where I live.
Updated on January 11, 2010:
I wasn't able to see them live, but thank God for the Internet!
November 17, 2009
I've finished "Two Chalet School Girls In India", and, as I said in yesterday's blog, I'm going to wait awhile before going on to the next book in the series. So now the question is:
What do I read next? A dear, familiar friend? One of the books I haven't gotten around to reading yet? A children's book? One written for adults? {NOT "adults only"} A work of fiction, or a biography?Do I read several books in a series, or read a few stand-alone books?
Finally, do I read a printed book, or an online book?
Decisions, decisions!
November 16, 2009
Currently reading:
"Two Chalet School Girls In India" by Priyadarshini Nerendra
(She lives near Delhi)
{I'll probably finish this before I post again. }
(juvenile fiction)
{This is one of the fill-ins.}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St.Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
{I'm thinking of buying this so I can read it
without being on the computer)
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
November 16, 2009 Post Rewritten
Nowadays, telephone numbers are just that: Numbers. I sometimes wish we could go back to using exchange names. For example, 33,74, and 89 can never replace DEwey, SHeepshead, and TWining.
And the numbers 64 are a very poor substitute for what, to me, was the prettiest exchange name of all. My exchange. NIghtingale.
November 16, 2009
I've added Jacob Abbott's "Franconia" series to my online library.
I also found an article about him online.Jacob Abbott
November 16, 2009
I just bought the cutest baby turkey for my FarmVille farm.
Update: That turkey is all grown up now!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
January 10, 2010
I have a bed, {big news, right?} but I don't sleep in it; too high and I never really liked the mattress. I don't even sleep in my bedroom anymore; I sleep on my living-room couch. MUCH more comfortable. I now have a bunch of books piled on my bed. {Fairly neat piles} Also, right before we got Winky, I took Mom's plants and put them on the windowsill in the "bedroom"; Winky is never allowed into that room.
January 10, 2010
I almost bought three books on Japan, but then I found out that they are only 32 pages each. I want something more substantial. Thank God I hadn't already ordered them!
January 10, 2010
Baptism of The Lord. Last day of the Christmas Season.
I love the Church year: Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent {Great time for concentrating on spiritual growth; although that's a year-round process}, Easter, Ordinary time, and then Advent once again.
November 15, 2009
I could use a new book of Rosary meditations.
Update: Since posting that, I've gotten one and ordered another.
November 15, 2009
I'd like to get a good book about Catholics of the Eastern Rites.
Like I said, so many books I want to get! LOL!
November 15, 2009
Currently reading:
"Two Chalet School Girls In India" by Priyadarshini Nerendra
(She lives near Delhi)
(juvenile fiction)
{This is one of the fill-ins.}
[After I finish "Two Chalet School Girls In India", I'm going to wait awhile before going on to "The Chalet School in Exile", because that starts a new era for the Chalet School: the war years.]
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St.Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
November 15, 2009
Some time ago, I came across a short prayer that I really liked: "Lord, help me to be the man my dog thinks I am."
November 14, 2009
I've always been interested in the meanings of names. I looked up
Priyadarshini online. (See "Currently Reading for November 14) The name means
"Delightful to look at"
November 14, 2009
My favorite Jewish song is Tum Balalaika, with Hava Nagila a close second. Mom and I once heard, on the internet, a recording of Hava Nagila that sounded like a dirge.
May we NEVER hear that rendition again!
I love Neil Sedaka's version of Tum Balaika; I also love the Barry Sisters' rendition, which is the first one I ever heard. (Neil Sedaka grew up listening to the Barry Sisters)
I'd like to get a book about Jewish music.
Update: So many books and kinds of books I'd like to get!
November 14, 2009
Currently reading:
"Two Chalet School Girls In India" by Priyadarshini Nerendra
(She lives near Delhi)
(juvenile fiction)
{This is one of the fill-ins.}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
November 14, 2009
I took my FarmVille chickens out of the coop, because I prefer to watch them walking around. They'll be put back in the hen house at night. I've also renovated my farm, so now I have less space to plant in, but my animals have more room to walk around.
Update: Now that FarmVille allows us to feed our neighbors' chickens when they are in the coop,{or co-op}, my chickens won't be wandering any more. LOL!
November 14, 2009
I've almost finished "Gillian of the Chalet School". Right now, I'm not sure what I'll be reading next. I may go on to the next book, "Two Chalet School Girls In India", which is another fill-in, and takes place concurrently with "Gillian", but is by a different author, and from a different publisher.
Update: India is another country I want to read about.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Reading List
"The Tessler Triplets: Surprises X 3",
"The Tessler Triplets: Vacation X 3" ,
"The Tessler Triplets: Bas Mitzvah X 3"
(my "first-time-read" book for this week)
by Chaya Sara Zirkind
{children's series, Jewish}
"Lark Rise to Candleford", by Flora Thompson
(It's been awhile since I read this)
Spiritual Reading: Catholic
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa Of Avila
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I have the three-volume pocket set)
November 13, 2009
FarmVille is back. They've added a chicken coop, and we can now actually SEE the eggs our hens lay.
November 13, 2009
I'm adding astronomy to my studies. I've always been fascinated by the stars and planets and constellations. The course I've chosen to use, "Fundamentals of Astronomy", includes a new picture each day. Today's picture is stunningly beautiful.
November 13, 2009
Currently reading:
"Gillian of the Chalet School", by Carol Allan
(juvenile fiction)
{This is one of the fill-ins.}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
November 13, 2009
FarmVille is having connection issues. People are getting this message
Oh no! It looks like all the bits got lost on the way to your computer. Please refresh your page. and a picture of an unhappy-
looking cow.
Did I say "unhappy"? She looks udderly mooserable.
Okay, you can stop groaning now!
November 13, 2009
I received "The Chalet School in the Oberland" in today's mail. However, much to my dismay, it wasn't the edition I ordered, but one which, according to Friends of the Chalet School, has many cuts. I have contacted the seller for instructions on returning the book.
November 13, 2009
I came across this story a few years ago. I'm not sure if it is true.
An elderly woman approached her priest and asked, "Father, is it true that anything touched by a Saint is considered a relic?"
"Yes," said the priest, "anything definitely known to have been touched by a Saint would be considered a Third Class relic."
And the old lady said, "Well! I was once spanked by Mother Cabrini!"
That's one relic I would not care to kiss!
January 9, 2010
There's one resolution I should have made {Incidentally, I'm not a big fan of the phrase "should have"}
"Turn out unnecessary lights".
Friday, January 8, 2010
January 8, 2010
Awhile ago, I blogged that I wanted to learn about the people and customs of Japan. Today I looked for websites, but they seem geared to those who plan to visit Japan. I want to know about people who live there. Maybe I'd be better off getting a book; I'm already doing enough online.
{And I answer myself: "Ya think????"}
November 12, 2009
I love my veggies.
Chocolate is a vegetable.
Chocolate comes from a bean.
Beans are vegetables.
Therefore, chocolate is a vegetable.
Therefore, I love my veggies!
November 12, 2009
I found an online educational site that suits my needs. I'm now studying pre-algebra.
May as well get a good foundation before I start algebra.
Update: The site had problems for awhile; buttons missing. Things are back to normal so I'm back to studying.
November 12, 2009
Currently reading:
"Gillian of the Chalet School", by Carol Allan
(juvenile fiction)
{This is one of the fill-ins.}
"The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa of Avila (online)
(Catholic, nonfiction)
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(I prefer this to the version I started reading online,
because it has commentaries, which the online version
(Judaica, nonfiction)
Update: Remember, this is from the early days of this blog. I now post my reading list once a week only.
November 12, 2009
In honor of Thanksgiving Day, FarmVille recently added two kinds of squash: acorn squash and pattypan squash. However, they are not offering Hubbard squash.
Viewers of "As The World Turns" understand the importance of Hubbard squash! :)
Update: Maybe I should change that :) to a :( since ATWT is going off the air in September.
November 12, 2009
The kaleidoscope came this morning. I love it! The patterns are amazing, the colors sparkle, and I don't need to twist or turn anything.
Update: I'm still enjoying it very much.
January 8, 2010
I stirred up some batter for cornbread for the first time in more than a year. [Note to self: Make sure the milk is thawed first!] I'd better explain that: I buy a month's worth of milk at a time, and keep most of the containers in the freezer. When the one in the fridge is almost empty, I put in another one. Unfortunately, the I put there last night hadn't thawed yet. Since the dry ingredients: corn meal, salt, a bit of sugar, and baking powder [Note to self: Use less baking powder next time! This is why I prefer self-rising!] had already been mixed together, I went ahead with my batter, using eggs, cream-style corn {I always use that, anyway; it adds a bit of extra flavor} and melted margarine to provide moisture. I used a large, fairly deep frying pan.
So how did it turn out? Honestly? It wasn't my best-ever corn bread, but it was good, and I still have some left over. I love cornbread.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
January 7, 2010
The first time I read "Mary Poppins Opens The Door", by P.L. Travers, I was surprised and delighted--- make that absolutely thrilled--- to come across these words: "The sea is at Brighton where it always is!" I was sure that the author meant my Brighton; I didn't know then that there were other Brightons in the world. By a most appropriate coincidence, I was on the beach with my Baba at the time.
By the time I discovered the existence of other places named Brighton, and realized that Mary Poppins had probably {I refuse to say definitely} been talking about the Brighton in England, I was too old to be disappointed.
Here are some links to places named Brighton and/or Brighton Beach.
Places called Brighton
Places with the name "Brighton Beach"
Brighton Beach, England
Brighton Beach, Australia
Brighton Beach, Ontario, Canada
My own Brighton Beach gets TWO links.
Wikipedia Article
Brooklyn Public Library Article
I want to learn all I can about the Brighton Beaches in England and Australia, but ESPECIALLY about my own Brighton Beach.
Brighton Beach,
Childhood Memories,
Faith, Literature and Easy Lives?
Great post from one of the blogs I'm following.
Faith, Literature and Easy Lives?
January 7, 2010
Update to one of my resolutions:
6: Three meals a day, no snacks except on Feast days. So-called junk food may be
included in meals.
I've changed "no snacks" to "healthy snacks only".
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
January 6, 2010
It's about time I read the "Heidi" books again. I'd also like to find the music for the hymns in "Heidi".
My maternal grandmother, who came from Austria, read "Heidi" in the original German; she told me that Fräulein Rottenmeier was the first literary character she ever really hated.
I, personally, called her "Rotten Rottenmeier".
January 6, 2010
I really should have blogged this in the morning, when the clouds made the sky outside the window couple-colored, and reminded me of my favorite poem.
PIED BEAUTY by Gerard Manley Hopkins
Glory be to God for dappled things--
For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings;
Landscape plotted and pieced--fold, fallow, and plough;
And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim.
All things counter, original, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:
Praise him.
January 6, 2010
If there's one expression that makes me want to throw up, it is "Safe Abortion".
HELLO!!! How can it be SAFE when at least one person always DIES?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
January 5, 2010
January 5, 2010
Back in the 1920s, my grandparents, Rose and Nathan Rosenthal, lived in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. An elementary school was scheduled to be built on their block, so Grandpa, wisely, IMO, opened a candy store. How could he have known that plans for the school would fall through?
Just think! I could have been related to a candy store!!
November 11, 2009
I want to teach myself algebra and geometry. I flunked algebra three times and I never took geometry. Math has always been hard for me because I have dyscalculia.
So why do I want to teach myself these subjects? For the challenge, and to stretch my mind.
January 5, 2010
I was able to go outside and walk around the yard this morning after the live Mass on EWTN; no ice, snow, or slush. After I walked around and got a little outdoor exercise, I sat on the porch. It faces east, so I got some sunshine.
I almost started this post with the words, "Beautiful day", but every day God gives us has its own beauty. Sometimes the beauty of a particular day might not be easy to see, but it's there.
"This is the day which the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition.
Monday, January 4, 2010
November 11, 2009
FarmVille lets you post an announcement when you fertilize your neighbors' crops.
That's another reason I love FarmVille: I can spread manure and end up smelling
like a rose.
November 11, 2009
I've discovered a new game site.Big Fish Games
Update: Believe it or not, I forgot all about that site. I go to so many game sites, it's hard to keep track of them all. LOL!
January 4, 2010
I'm going over my ongoing fan fiction, "Bay City Forever", and doing a little editing. I'm also checking for neglected storylines.
January 4, 2010
This is an incident from a Christmas season, more than thirty years ago. I was about to go into my Church, Guardian Angel, to make a Visit, when someone came out and said to me,
"I've never seen such a beautiful Crib Scene. And that cat is especially lifelike."
I went inside, and, sure enough, there was Midnight, Fr. Kelly's cat, curled up among the oxen, sheep, etc.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
January 3, 2010
Today's Feast has a special meaning for me. It was on the Feast of the Epiphany that I received Jesus in the Eucharist for the very first time.
January 3, 2010
New Year's Resolutions: Update:
10: Work on my ongoing fan fiction every day; at least one full scene.
Okay, so far I've only been really satisfied with one scene, and that has been saved. The others didn't ring true, so I discarded them.
November 11, 2009
Today is the feast of St. Martin of Tours, Patron Saint of soldiers. How appropriate for Veterans' Day!
January 3, 2010
I've changed my username on Twitter from chaplet_lover to RochelleTheresa. Why? Because I love other Catholic devotions just as much as I love chaplets. Also, using a proper name instead of a descriptive name may attract more people to my Tweets.
January 3, 2010
The music for this morning's Mass on EWTN was SO lovely! In addition to Derek on the organ, they had Thomas O'Donnell of the Atlanta Symphony on the violin. I love violin music.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Books Read in the Past Week
December 27 2009-January 2, 2010
"The Vicar of Wakefield", by Oliver Goldsmith
"Marya of Clark Avenue" by Marie Halun Bloch {One of my childhood favorites}
"The Tessler Triplets: Decisions X 3" and
"The Tessler Triplets: Surprises X 3",
by Chaya Sara Zirkind
{children, Jewish, series}
"A Chain of Hands", by Carol Ryrie Brink
Spiritual Reading: Catholic
"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa Of Avila
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
{I have the three-volume pocket set}
January 2, 2010
The wind is singing outside. Most people say "howling"; I say "singing". Or sometimes whistling. I love the sound of the wind. I can't walk in it, due to my what is now called dyspraxia.
November 10, 2009
My taste in music runs the gamut (there's a cliche!) from opera to commercial jingles. I have some VERY eclectic playlists on my computer.
November 10, 2009
"A teacher should be an encourager."
Robert Henri in "The Art Spirit"
I agree a thousand percent.
November 10, 2009
Here's another post from one of my old blogs.
Sometimes I like to speculate on what would have happened if there had been a recorded music industry when David wrote what we now know and love as the 23rd Psalm. The recording company executives might have had the foresight to say, "Davy, baby, that's a hit!" Then again, they very well might have said, "Sorry, Dave, but that will never sell."
Friday, January 1, 2010
January 1, 2010
One of my New Year's Resolutions was to pray two decades of the Rosary after each activity. My beads have been in and out of my pocket all day!
January 1, 2010
Mom and I received a bunch of bunches of grapes; green, seedless grapes to be exact. I put my share in the freezer; I love frozen grapes, although I'll admit I prefer red, or purple.
November 10, 2009
I came across a book called "Girls and Literacy in America". I've already put it into my shopping basket, and will order it next month.
Update: I read a description of the book, and decided not to order it after all.
January 1, 2010
I was scrolling on the Program Guide on my TV, and I saw that there was a Looney Tunes marathon. It's been awhile, though not all that long, since I've seen one of those old cartoons, so I went to the channel. To my absolute delight,"What's Opera, Doc?" was just starting.
I was just a little girl, not even 10 years old, the first time I saw this cartoon, and I remember, when it was over, all I could do was whisper, "Wow."
Even then, I knew that I had just seen something out of the ordinary.
January 1, 2010
Yay! I remembered to type 2010 instead of 2009!
I've ordered that "Chalet School" fill-in I mentioned the other day. I wonder if it takes place before or after "The Princess of the Chalet School". Well, I'll find out soon enough!
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