1 week ago
Friday, April 30, 2010
Not Buying Many Books
I'm keeping my book buying low next month; no more than 3 books. There are other things I'm going to buy, including a programmable coffee maker. Set it at night, have my coffee almost as soon as I get up!
Besides, I have plenty of books to read.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Currently Reading
"Fifth Formers of St. Clare's"
by Enid Blyton
Non-Fiction: General
None at the moment
Non-fiction: Catholic
"True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary"
by St. Louis de Montfort
[ online ]
Non-fiction: Jewish
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(long term reading)
A Perfect Name
Here is something I discovered while reading
"Sounds in the Air
The Golden Age of Radio"
by Norman H. Finkelstein
There was a prolific radio soap opera writer named Elaine Carrington.
Now that sounds like the perfect name for a soap opera character, the daughter
of the town's wealthiest family!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Eternal Word Television Network: Blog - by
Eternal Word Television Network: Blog - by
Beautiful post, not to be missed!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Currently Reading
None at the moment
Non-Fiction: General
"Sounds in the Air
The Golden Age of Radio"
by Norman H. Finkelstein
Non-fiction: Catholic
"The Holy Eucharist
Our All"
by Fr. Lukas Etlin, O.S.B.
Non-fiction: Jewish
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(long term reading)
New Socialization
There was a time people socialized in each others' homes, in restaurants, at clubs... in other words, people used to socialize in person. Yes, we still do so, but these days we also socialize on the computer, in chat rooms.
I can, if I so choose, socialize with people in all 50 states, and all over the world.
Actually, I don't care to chat with large groups, because I can't type and read the boards at the same time. I've had people call me out and say, "Are you there?".
and when I've explained that I can't read and type at the same time, some people have assumed that I'm a kid, while others have been just plain rude.
Not everyone; some people have been nice, but I prefer, on the rare occasions when I chat, chatting in a very small group.
Still, the fact that I have the opportunity to chat with people from all over the globe, as well as right in my own neighborhood, is amazing.
Currently Reading
"Here Comes Zelda Claus
and Other Holiday Disasters"
by Lynn Hall
(third book in the Zelda Hammersmith series)
[First-time read]
{almost finished}
Non-Fiction: General
None at the moment
Non-fiction: Catholic
"The Holy Eucharist
Our All"
by Fr. Lukas Etlin, O.S.B.
Non-fiction: Jewish
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(long term reading)
Monday, April 26, 2010
A Quote I Love
"From silly devotions and sour-puss saints, good Lord, deliver us.
St. Teresa of Avila.
{Some translators have "sour-FACED saints.
And now, my own remarks.
I know that there are times when Christians should be sober, but there are
many more times when we should be joyful.
I mean, what's the point of going around looking like we don't expect to
go to Heaven?
Currently Reading
"Jerry's Charge Account"
by Hazel Wilson
{children's book, 1960s}
Non-Fiction: General
None at the moment
Non-fiction: Catholic
"The Holy Eucharist
Our All"
by Fr. Lukas Etlin, O.S.B.
Non-fiction: Jewish
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(long term reading)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Currently Reading
"Claudine at St. Clare's"
by Enid Blyton
Nonfiction: General
None at the moment
Nonfiction: Catholic
"The Holy Eucharist
Our All"
by Fr. Lukas Etlin, O.S.B.
Nonfiction: Jewish
"Pirkei Avos Treasury"
(long term reading)
Closing My Reading List Page
Beginning today, I will be publishing a list of the books I am currently reading. This list will be posted whenever there is a change. This means that sometimes there will be no list for several days, and sometimes there may be more than one list posted on the same day.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Old Meets New
I love to watch silent movies on the computer.
It's fascinating to me to be able to use new technology to watch these old-fashioned, yet still entertaining, movies.
Here are a couple I found on YouTube.
Mary Pickford in "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm"
Charlie Chaplin in "The Gold Rush"
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Reading the Bible
I have several ways of reading the Bible, and I try to use ALL of them every day. Please note that I said "try".
1: Cover to cover, Genesis to Revelation. Some of it is hard going, but
I usually find at least one gem, one nugget.
2: Reading a favorite passage. There are so many I could
read over and over.
3: Opening my Bible at random and reading a few verses. Of course,
it often opens to one or another of my favorite texts.
4: Reading one of that day's Mass readings. My Bible is in a different
translation from that used at Mass.
5: Nightly Gospel passage, read at bedtime.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
There was a time when a Surrogate Mother was someone who took care of children when their real mother couldn't.
And Reproductive Health Care should mean doing everything possible to help
women to have healthy babies.
Karen Edmisten: Bits and Pieces of Procrastination
Karen Edmisten: Bits and Pieces of Procrastination
I've commented on this post.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Was Winky Auditioning?
I opened a can of cat food, and Winky stood up and spread his front paws as if he were dancing, and meowed as if he were singing.
You'd have thought he was auditioning for a cat food commercial! LOL!
Updating an Old Post
I've changed the way I pray the Rosary. Instead of praying two decades at a time, I now pray the Joyful Mysteries in the morning, the Luminous Mysteries [offered for priests]in the afternoon, the Sorrowful Mysteries in the evening, and the Glorious Mysteries at night.
Edited to add: I think I'll go back to this method, at least for awhile.
Eternal Word Television Network: Blog - by
I just HAD to share this. God bless Mother Angelica!
Eternal Word Television Network: Blog - by
Monday, April 19, 2010
I was just listening to Erik Satie's "Trois Morceaux en Forme de Poire" {Three Pieces in the Shape of a Pear).
Three of the favorite books of my childhood are:
and "Little Pear and the Rabbits" (I wasn't able to find a picture of that book).
{There's a fourth book about Little Pear, called "More About Little Pear", but I was already an adult when it came out.)
{I have all four books}
Paul Cezanne did some lovely still life paintings of pears. This one is titled
"Still Life With Sugarbowl, Pears, and Tablecloth".
And finally:

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Cast into Hell Satan
Whenever I say the Prayer to St. Michael, when I get to the words "cast into Hell Satan"..
oh, the contempt and loathing with which I pronounce the name Satan!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Something New on FarmVille
They now have Nursery Barns for baby animals: foals, colts, lambs, calves, etc. I'm building mine now, next to the Stable I'm putting up for my horses.
And, slightly off-topic: One of the first books I ever loved was "Baby Farm Animals", by Garth Williams.
Friday, April 16, 2010
A Few Words I Love
Here are some words I love:
(the syllables are VERY singable!)
(One of Fr. John Corapi's talks is called "God's Other Name Is Mercy)
(but don't get me started on "whatever", which is one of the most overused,
misused, and abused words in the English language, IMO.)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Every day, babies are lost by abortion.
Every day, mothers who want their babies suffer miscarriages.
And, every day, in every part of the world, babies are born.
And thank God for that!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Mercy, or Murder?
Is euthanasia mercy, or is it murder?
I say, it all depends.
If we are talking about a sick, suffering animal who cannot be helped
any other way, then it is mercy. It is the last, and the hardest, loving
act we do for a cherished pet.
But when it comes to a human being, then it is murder. Yes, it is hard, very hard, to watch a loved one suffer. When my Baba was dying from stomach cancer, I prayed that God would take her, and when He did, I thanked Him for ending her suffering.
Yes, I thanked Him, but He was the only One Who had the RIGHT to end that suffering.
I would never have done anything to hasten Baba's death, even by an hour. Even by a minute. Even by a second.
Monday, April 12, 2010
On This Date in 1999
Two things happened. I was able to buy, very cheaply,
a set of Willow Ware. I was absolutely delighted, because on my my favorite books is
The other event, which did not make me happy, I didn't find out about until the next day. I was reading the paper, and suddenly I was greeted with this ARTICLE.
And today, I published the latest episode of my on-going fan fiction, "Bay City Forever". It was about time!

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Christmas Hymn/Easter Hymn
I used to write hymns all the time, setting new words to familiar tunes. However, I hadn't written one for quite some time. That changed this morning, thanks to Fr. Frank Pavone's great homily on EWTN. He quoted from "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing", the part about "Peace on Earth and mercy mild, (appropriate for Divine Mercy Sunday) God and sinners reconciled" Something clicked then, and it came to me that, with a few changes, I could turn that song into an Easterhymn.
Angels and Archangels sing
"Glory to our Risen King!
Peace on Earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled."
Joyful all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies
With the angelic host adore
Christ, alive forevermore.
Alleluia! Let us sing
"Glory to our Risen King!"
Adapted from "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing"
Inspired by Fr. Frank Pavone's homily on EWTN,
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Titles Instead of Dates
I'm going to use titles instead of dates in the headings of my posts from now on. Also, I'm going through this blog and changing dates in old posts to title.
And here I go with another long-term project!
I Should Have Blogged this Before
There's a new character on "As The World Turns". I thought at first that he'd be on for just one episode, sort of an inside joke.
You see, his name is Gabriel, and he was introduced on the March 25th episode!
See why I should have blogged this before?
Another Old Post
Old Post
This is another post, slightly edited, from an old blog.
From Pollyanna:
"Well, that's what father used to call 'em," she laughed. "Of course the Bible didn't name 'em that. But it's all those that begin 'Be glad in the Lord,' or 'Rejoice greatly,' or 'Shout for joy,' and all that, you know--such a lot of 'em. Once, when father felt specially bad, he counted 'em. There were eight hundred of 'em."
"Eight hundred!"
"Yes--that told you to rejoice and be glad, you know; that's why father named 'em the 'rejoicing texts.' "
I'm going to look for verses and texts about giving thanks to God. It should be easier now that I have the Concordance for the Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition. That Concordance is another thing I can be thankful for! :)
"Well, that's what father used to call 'em," she laughed. "Of course the Bible didn't name 'em that. But it's all those that begin 'Be glad in the Lord,' or 'Rejoice greatly,' or 'Shout for joy,' and all that, you know--such a lot of 'em. Once, when father felt specially bad, he counted 'em. There were eight hundred of 'em."
"Eight hundred!"
"Yes--that told you to rejoice and be glad, you know; that's why father named 'em the 'rejoicing texts.' "
I'm going to look for verses and texts about giving thanks to God. It should be easier now that I have the Concordance for the Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition. That Concordance is another thing I can be thankful for! :)
Friday, April 9, 2010
Cereal Boxes, Cracker Jack, and Vending Machines
When I was a kid, I loved vending machine trinkets, cereal-box premiums, but especially Cracker Jack prizes.
The vending machines were the biggest gamble because sometimes nothing came out.
With the cereal boxes and the Cracker Jack, you were sure to get SOMETHING. Some prizes, of course, were better than others, but it wasn't so much the prize that mattered; it was the SURprize. (Spelling deliberate)
And, yes, I ate the Cracker Jack and the cereal
And, while Googling before editing this post, I came across another blog I'm going to follow, thanks to this POST
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Once Again, A Change to My Blog
Well, once again, I've reformatted my blog! I love to rearrange things every now and then.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Record breaking heat for this date!
Well, since it's so hot, I'm glad we got a new record out of it!
Thank God for cold water with lemon slices; and thank God I'm not out
of lemons!
Actually, on hot days, I'm thankful for a good, cold glass of water with
or without lemon slices!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Ashreinu, mah tov chelkeinu, u'mah na'im goraleinu. U'mah yafah yerushaseinu.
We are fortunate - How good is our portion, how pleasant our lot, and how beautiful is our heritage.
I love these words. As a Jewish convert to Catholicism, I truly have a good portion,
a pleasant lot, and a beautiful heritage.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Reasons For Being A Catholic
I've decided to make a list of reasons
for being a Catholic.
1: The Real Presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament
2: Yeah, right! As if I need any more reasons!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Chocolate Bunnies
The trouble with Chocolate Bunnies is that, although they have such nice wrappings, they are HOLLOW. Sort of like the worldly idea of Easter; the day to wear a new, fancy hat, have a big family meal, go to a parade, but NOT go to church.
And the chocolate isn't even that good!
Easter Sunday
I've eaten almost TOO many sweets today; Easter Sunday is always like that.
But the best, the SWEETEST FOOD I had today...
Our Lord in the Eucharist.
Oh, that moment of joy when I receive Him!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Scheduling Change
Starting tomorrow, my list of books read
in the past week will be updated on Sunday morning instead of Saturday evening.
Almost Easter!
Holy Saturday. In a few hours, EWTN will broadcast, live, the Easter Vigil Mass from the BNSIC. And tomorrow morning,live, the Easter Mass with the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word.
And, best of all, weather and other conditions permitting (sometimes Mom's legs hurt and she can't walk me, and I need to hold onto her arm because of my balance problem)
Mass at my own parish at 12:30
Know what I've missed the most during Lent? I've missed the Alleluia.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Appropriate Book
I'm reading "Try Giving Yourself Away", by
David Dunn. Not a religious book, but filled with heart-warming anecdotes. It's a favorite book of mine, and an appropriate title for Good Friday, when we commemorate the day on which Jesus gave Himself, totally, completely, to the very last drop of His Blood, for us.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Holy Thursday on EWTN
Holy Thursday. EWTN broadcast the Mass of the Lord's Supper from the BNSIC in Washington. It was a Concelebrated Mass; LOTS of priests.
The bells rang during the Gloria; no more bells until the Easter Vigil. It seems strange to hear the clapper, instead, at the Consecration.
And hearing all those priests saying the "Through Him, with Him, in Him" was
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